fragile lives, strong stories.
NOTE: Not all books listed below are published by clay pen press. Publishers are listed under each author's name
devotionals ~ memoirs
Growing in God
Daily Devotions to Fertilize Your Soul
Anita Colter
clay pen press
Paperback $19.99
30 days of thoughts devoted to God
Andrea Vermilya
clay pen press
Full-Color Paperback: $25.00
Eat Pray Get Well
A Journey from Chronic Illness & Brokenness to Wholeness & Healing
Erin Porter
Porter Publishing
Paperback $24.99
Slaves of the
Third Reich
A posthumous memoir of a Nazi Concentration Camp Survivor
clay pen press
Paperback: $13.99
fiction ~ poetry.
The Comeback
a novel
Ethan Cartwright
Cartwright Publishing
​Paperback: $8.00
The Unlived Life of Russell Stone
a novelette
Cheryl Courtney Semick
clay pen press
E-book: $2.99
The Novel Vigilante
a novel
Cheryl Courtney Semick
clay pen press
Paperback: $15.50​​
inspiration ~ education ~ spiritual growth
Sweet Lips
28-Day Challenge
(Pocket Size)​
Paperback book: $12.50
Bundle: 2 Books + DVD
From Meth to Life
Five Steps to Freedom
DVD of Jamie's Testimony
JNash Ministries
Books by Daniel Botkin

Crossing Over
Encouragement & Exhortation
From Joshua & Judges
Daniel Botkin
Gates of Eden
​Paperback: $16.00

My Back Pages
The Umembelished Escapades & Exploits of Daniel Shabbatnik
Daniel Botkin
Gates of Eden
Paperback: $29.99